Esteemed thought leaders will take part in an invigorating small and high-level conversation centered on the potential of self-care to enable individuals, families, and communities to support their own health and to drive economic benefits for all.
There is an urgent need for integrating self-care into existing health policies worldwide. Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the capacity of individuals, families, and communities to support their own health, self-care remains inadequately addressed despite its significance. With healthcare systems strained by various pressures, including demographic shifts and the COVID-19 pandemic, self-care emerges as a critical solution. However, the challenge lies in how to effectively integrate self-care into existing policies. This necessitates a coherent vision from policymakers and the creation of an enabling environment to maximize the benefits for individuals and societies alike.
Over dinner, we will explore questions such as:
What strategies would work to speed up the incorporation of self-care into healthcare?
What needs to be true to further incorporate self-care into the health continuum?
What smart policies already incorporate it?