Salon Dinner: Boosting the Self-Care Movement – The Path to Global Adoption

Boosting the Self-Care Movement

We will engage in an informal dialogue centered around the pivotal topic of self-care. Diplomatic Courier has been tracking global and regional developments on this critical subject and has previously hosted similar discussions featuring esteemed thought leaders. Healthcare systems worldwide — including those in North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean Regions — confront substantial challenges and constraints arising from demographic shifts, a rising burden of non-communicable chronic diseases, and the fragmentation of healthcare infrastructure. To address these challenges and ensure the sustainability of healthcare systems, it is imperative through a multistakeholder approach to empower individuals to engage in self-care and take an active role in their health-related decisions. At present, a global movement is gaining momentum, advocating for the heightened acknowledgment of self-care’s significance and its seamless integration into the broader healthcare landscape.

Together we will explore questions such as:

What strategies would help policy makers incorporate self-care into their healthcare continuum?

How do we boost collaboration across stakeholders and foster self-care adoption?

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