Future of Democracy Forum

Is Liberal Democracy in Decline or Under Attack?

A NATO High-Level Dialogue


The Future of Democracy Forum is Diplomatic Courier’s innovation lab and high-level dialogue examining the health and future of democracy and democratic institutions. Hosted in partnership with the permanent secretariat of the Community of Democracies (CoD), the forum will be held on the eve of the NATO Leaders Summit in Washington, DC and aim to inform NATO principals and other stakeholders through a post-meeting communique.


Societal and governance institutions are under pressure with 2024 being the year when half of the world’s population will vote on a general election. The acceleration of AI products and services add an unprecedented layer of complexity. What’s more, our trust in one another and our institutions is in crisis, opening the door for misunderstandings or bad actors to cause great harm. At a time when our challenges are increasingly global and require close cooperation, we are increasingly turning away from collective action and focusing on our differences. Building upon this megatrend, the forum will seek to answer a key question: Is liberal democracy in decline or under attack?


A principals intimate meeting with the key goals to connect leaders and experts working on solutions at the policy and Board/Governance level. The Forum is intentionally designed to be interactive and intimate with the key goal to convene, connect, and create partnerships among the different stakeholders participating in the event. Participants include executives, board members, NGO and IGO leaders, Civil Society leaders, and policy and diplomacy officials.



Ana Rold
CEO & Founder
Diplomatic Courier & World in 2050
Thomas Garrett
Secretary General
Community of Democracies

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