Helping the future arrive well.

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2025 Davos Dialogue: Self-Care in Healthcare

Global Women’s Forum 2025

Moving the

World Forward.

How will major global forces such as demographic changes, resource stress, technology, and economic power shifts change our future?

Established in 2012, World in 2050 is Diplomatic Courier’s think tank/do tank, research, and ideas lab seeking to answer challenging questions about the future of society, and galvanize solutions through uncommon collaborations through its members, partners, and experts around the world. 


Megatrends Shaping the Future of Humanity

World in 2050 focuses on identifying challenges and solutions on the following five research clusters, each representing a megatrend that will be transformative for our long-term future.

Exponential Tech Radically Reshaping the World.

Artificial Intelligence; Privacy; Data ownership;  Blockchain; Web3; Quantum.

Disruption from Climate Change, Energy Transition Surging.

Clean Energy Innovation; National and Corporate Strategies; Access to Energy.

Education, Work Grapple with Next Great Rebalancing.

The Skills Economy; Social and Emotional Learning; Skills Passports; Credentialing.

Individual, Societal Wellbeing at Inflection Point.

Social fragmentation; Global Uncertainty; Mental Health; Loneliness Epidemic.

Societal, Governance Institutions Under Pressure.

The Weakening of Democracy and the Rule of Law; Rising Inequality.

Building a futuristic leadership movement.

For over a decade, World in 2050 has been building a growing leadership movement and network to co-create uncommon collaborations. To maintain this network and shared understanding, we produce a number of events, private meetings, innovation retreats, publications, and research.

Contact us for more information on how to join our community of practice of over 20,000 members and over 100 institutional partners.