2024 DC Diplomatic Gala & Holiday Dinner

Diplomatic Courier's Annual Holiday Dinner & Dialogue

As the year comes to a close, now more than ever, the reality of global issues requires that we set a large table for understanding and finding common ground. We are honored to bring together our community of entrepreneurs, innovators, journalists, scientists, diplomats, spiritual, and policy leaders, to reflect on the year ahead.

What will it take for the world to move towards a new era of peace and prosperity?

How will we help the New Year arrive well?

This Holiday Dinner and Dialogue is an opportunity to bring together all leaders who are practitioners and friends of diplomacy.


Ana Rold
CEO & Founder
Diplomatic Courier & World in 2050
Ambassador Lisa Gable
Diplomatic Courier & World in 2050


Greg Lebedev
Chairman of the Board
Center for International Private Enterprise

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